Date:  6 Mar 2025


Company:  Sasken Technologies Limited

Job Summary

• Person at this position has gained significant work experience to be able to apply their knowledge effectively and deliver results. Person at this position is also able to demonstrate the ability to analyse and interpret complex problems and improve change or adapt existing methods to solve the problem.
• Person at this position regularly interacts with interfacing groups / customer on technical issue clarification and resolves the issues. Also participates actively in important project/ work related activities and contributes towards identifying important issues and risks. Reaches out for guidance and advice to ensure high quality of deliverables.
• Person at this position consistently seek opportunities to enhance their existing skills, acquire more complex skills and work towards enhancing their proficiency level in their field of specialisation. 
• Works under limited supervision of Team Lead/ Project Manager.

Roles & Responsibilities

Responsible for design, coding, testing, bug fixing, documentation and technical support in the assigned area.
Responsible for on time delivery while adhering to quality and productivity goals. 
•  Responsible for adhering to guidelines and checklists for all deliverable reviews, sending status report to team lead and following relevant organizational processes.
• Responsible for customer collaboration and interactions and support to customer queries.
Expected to enhance technical capabilities by attending trainings, self-study and periodic technical assessments.
 Expected to participate in technical initiatives related to project and organization and deliver training as per plan and quality.

Education and Experience Required

Engineering graduate, MCA, etc Experience: 2-5 years

Competencies Description

"1. Digital Automation Engineer is experienced in designing and implementing engineering processes and automation across one or more phases of the DevOps based SDLC including Configuration management, Build & Release, Test Automation, Deployment, Infrastructure Automation and Continous Operations
2. Config Management specialist should be able to design, configure and implement version control, branching and configuration strategies using source code and version control systems like GIT, GitLab, BitBucket, SVN, CVS, Clearcase. 
3) Build Automation specialist should be experienced in implementing Continuous integration and Build Automation tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, ANT, Maven, Gradle. 
4) Test Automation Specialist is experienced in design & autnoring of Test Automation scripts, Test planning and Test case execution across Mobile, Web, Cross platform, Web Services, Micro Services, Platform and Infrastrcuture. He should be proficient in different types of Test Automation including Black box, White Box, Functional, Performance, UI, Security and Regression testing. He should also be experienced in usage of BDD frameworks and Device Test cloud like Sauce Labs, Xamarin Test Cloud.
5) Deployment Specialist should be able to plan and manage the release management stratgies, manage package artifactories, manage AMIs, deploy application and service packages across cloud and containers based infrastructure
6) Infrastructure Automation Specialist should be experienced in design and implemention of a programmable infrastructrue on virtualized and cloud based infrastructure and should be able to implement IaaS, Configuration management, Container management, Environment management across multiple cloud and virtualization provider platforms.
7) Continuous Operations specialist should be experienced in design, implement and operation of a elastic infrastructure, manage and monitor application and services, design failover scenarios, manage scalability and SLAs, design monitoring dashboards and operate production workloads and infrastructure across virtualized infrastructure and cloud."

Linux, Windows, Android, IoS, VMWare, OpenStack, HyperV

Technology Standard- AWS, Azure, RESTful APIs, Behavioral Driven Development,  SOAP, Test Driven Development, Microservices patterns, Service Mesh, Cloud formation templates

"1. Config Management Tools -  GIT, GitLab, Bit ucket, SVN, Clearcase, Perforce Build Tools   
2. Buidl tools including GNU Make, NMake, ANT, Ivy, Maven, SBT, Gradle 
3. CI Tools -  Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCI, AWS DevOps tools, Azure DevOps
4.  Requirement management : Bugzilla, Jira  
5. Code Review - Gerrit, GitLab, ReviewBoard  
6. Containers - Docker, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, Azure Container Service, Azue Kubernete service
7. Configuration Management  - Ansible, Chef, Puppet  
8. Cloud native Devops services for AWS and Azure   
9.  Infrastructure automation based on CloudFormation, ARM templates
10. Appium, Visual Studio App Center (Xamarin Test cloud), SauceLabs
11. Selenium, Black Duck, SOAP UI, Protractor, Karma, JMeter, LoadRunner, Junit, NUnit, Nagios
12. Dashboarding tools like Promethues, ELK stack, Grafana"

"1. Scripting Languages - Perl, Python, Groovy, Shell script, PowerShell, Yaml, Ansible
2. Visual Studio App Center/Xamarin -C#, Cucumber/Calabash with scripting language,
3. Java, Python for Appium
4. Java, Python for Sauce Labs
5. XML"


Must to have Skills